
PHHOA  (Price Hills Home Owner's Association) recognizes the value of, and intends to utilize the services of, Committees in assisting the discharge of responsibilities. Committees are an important form of member input and involvement.

PHHOA is seeking members that are active within the community, in good standing with the PHHOA, have a sensible and rational disposition, and be business oriented with professional experience. Committee applicants should also demonstrate honesty, flexibility, dependability and be able to work with and motivate other committee members as well as work alongside the Declarant's representatives.

In "good standing" means a Member who is current in the payment of their assessments and not in violation of the Governing documents.
  • A Committee Member must be:
  • A Current Lot Owner (Warranty Deed).
  • One household member per Lot is eligible.
  • No two household members may be on a single Committee; however if they own multiple lots, independently, they can be on different committees.
Applications can be found at: Committee Application and Conflict of Interest Policy Acknowledgement.